Our Campus
On the ground-level, Wichita Friends School has 4 large classrooms, a STEAM Lab, a Godly Play room designed as a gentling and calming space, a library with over 5,000 children’s and juvenile books, a spacious atrium with a wall of glass looking out toward the playgrounds, a kitchen/lunchroom space, a community reception area and a multi-purpose room that hosts before and after-school care and provides a healthy space to move large muscles on rainy and cold weather days.
The upper level of our building contains an elementary 1st-2nd-3rd grade classroom, administrative offices, a teacher resource room, a board meeting room, and a kitchen laboratory classroom for baking enrichment classes.
Augmenting our indoor classroom space, WFS has a variety of outdoor facilities.
A preschool playground with a slide, teeter-totter, a large sand area, a 100 yard tricycle track circling around the play areas and a large concrete echo culvert that inspires great fun with our preschool children.
a discovery playground with a climbing formation of rocks and tree trunks, a large sand area with a water hand-pump, a shaded concrete “porch” area that provides outdoor respite from the hot Kansas summer sun, and raised garden beds for vegetables and a butterfly garden.
a junior-size basketball/hopscotch court
swings and a metal quad-climber
an outdoor pond laboratory on the north perimeter of our 20-acre property
a soccer field
All outdoor playground and field spaces are enclosed with security fencing.​​
We are connected to Heartland Friends Quaker Meetinghouse property with a gravel path, and have use of their Path of Testimonies and rock meditation circle.